Google Get Ahead+ Program

In September, when I checked my gmail regularly, I noticed one email sent from Google to invite me to express interest in Get Ahead+, which is a Google’s exclusive, invite-only development program. I registered and in few day, I recieved the confirmation email from Google and I am one of the members to study with Google.

Get Ahead program Overview and Timeline

Get Ahead+ takes place between Monday 7th September to Friday 16th October via live interactive virtual events and group sessions led by Google Engineers with times to be confirmed.

The program is designed to run alongside work or study. The time commitment will be approx 2 - 3 hours per week, including Google Meet sessions along with coding challenges throughout the duration of the program and you can work through the material at your own pace.

Weekly Email Update

A weekly email update will be shared with you every Monday throughout the program. It will include a weekly technical challenge, updates about upcoming virtual events and useful links. Each week you’ll have a scheduled group session with a small team of students and Google mentor to discuss the technical challenge, life at Google & much more!

The deadline to submit challenge answers will be each Sunday and the Google team will select 1 student at random to win a cool Google swag prize. 😭 Sadly, I am not a lucky dog to be selected during this section.

Well, I can get a Google Swag because I submitted all the assignment on time! Yeah~ Looking forward to receiving my Swag!

Google Meets Events

Google Meets events will be conducted across different topics, one each week.

  • Opening session
  • resume workshop
  • Virtual Go Game
  • Python Interview Workshop
  • The art of clean workshop
  • the 10x thinking workshop
  • Trivia and TGIF
  • Python peer to peer mock interviews
  • Collaborative interviews with Googlers

The interview workshops will be in 3 different programming languages including C++, Java and Python where students will solve a problem in real time with a Google engineer. Keep a look out for the calendar invite.

Weekly Challenge

I was assigned to Justin‘s group, and the coding language we use is Python. Each week, we have a tutorial session to meet via google meeting to express our opinion on the weekly challenge. Justin guided us to express our own solution to weekly challenge, and then he will provide us with an optimate algorithm to the question. He also helped us to analyze the time and space complexity between different algorithm we selected.

Justin has a very cute cat, who sometimes appeared in the tutorial session. 💗
