Leetcode: 137/2658 (57+66+14)
LC528 - Random Pick With Weight
Leetcode: 136/2658 (57+65+14)
Android Development(Kotlin)- First Android App
I still remember that one of my favourite lecturers at UTS was Ryan Heise. In 2018, I switched from an English literature major to a computer programming major. He made me realize that the difference between programming and taking other courses is that learning computers is a constant problem-solving process. I took Ryan Heise's Android development and Linux programming courses. Now that I've been out of school for almost 2 years, I've restarted Android development (Java then, Kotlin now) and I still remember bits and pieces of that classroom. He is one of the few teachers I know who is passionate about programming.
LC1893 - Check if All the Integers in a Range Are Covered
Leetcode: 135/2658 (57+64+14)
LC508 - Most Frequent SubtreeSum
Leetcode: 134/2658 (56+64+14)
LC1089 - Duplicate Zeros
Leetcode: 133/2658 (56+63+14)
LC303 - Range Sum Quey - Immutable
Leetcode: 132/2658 (55+63+14)
LC1588 - Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays
Leetcode: 131/2658 (54+63+14)
LC532 - K-Diff Pairs in an Array
Leetcode: 130/2658 (53+63+14)
LC498 - Diagonal Traverse
Leetcode: 129/2658 (53+62+14)