Leetcode: 118/2658 (51+54+13)
LC875 - Koko Eating Bananas
Leetcode: 117/2658 (51+53+13)
LC1894 - Find the Student That Will Replace the Chalk
Leetcode: 116/2658 (51+52+13)
LC238 - Product of Array Except Self
Leetcode: 115/2658 (51+51+13)
LC478 - Generate Random Point in a Circle
Leetcode: 115/2658 (51+51+13)
LC396 - Rorate Function
Leetcode: 114/2658 (51+50+13)
LC929 - Unique Email Address
Leetcode: 113/2658 (51+49+13)
First of my AWS project at hand~ I feel so happy to work with a great team! Thanks Vicky, Kyle and Dishi~ During the whole process, my responsibility is to build a connection from AWS to Google Bigquery. Here is my solution~
A hard question similar to 'Min Rewards'. 'peaks and valley' technique is not working properly in this coding challenge, because it contains the same values next to each other. Traverse left-to-right and right-to-right is a better option.
A hard question solved in 15 minutes. Use 'peaks and valley' technique to solve this question. But there are still something to improve.